Downtimes significantly reduced by Sidoor door control

Downtimes significantly reduced by Sidoor door control

For metalworking companies, a high level of availability of machine tools is important. No company can afford production stoppages or delays due to machine door malfunctions. With an automatic, easy-to-install door control system based on Siemens Sidoor, CNC AutoDoor reduced customer downtimes by 98% compared to pneumatic door openers and increased occupational safety.

Bild: Siemens AG

CNC AutoDoor designed a practical and robust housing for Sidoor. The control module is supplied ready-to-use with universal mounting brackets and a cable package so that it can be easily and quickly mounted on any CNC machine. The door opener is controlled by the I/O signals inside the machine or by pushbuttons that can be fitted optionally. Clients are enthusiastic about the ease of use, safety, professional look and integrity of this solution. „An unrivaled achievement,“ says Brad Woody, Upper Midwest Division President at Ellison Technologies. „The CNC AutoDoors have been a great success for us in retrofitting and after-sales activities. It’s a top-of-the-line industrial product that I can only recommend.“

98% less downtime

Engineer Bart van Halteren: „Our clients cannot afford machine downtimes due to malfunctioning doors. Especially pneumatic door openers regularly cause problems. Our solution with Sidoor works very reliably. As a result, clients have been able to reduce their downtimes by 98% compared to pneumatic door openers and are happy that they can purchase a complete door automation solution from a single supplier. The one-stop shopping formula saves time and money, partly because we can supply almost all models from stock.“

Efficient and less burdensome

The solution also provides an answer to the increasing scarcity of operators. As a consequence, operators face higher workloads. An automatic door opener contributes to safe and ergonomic working conditions. Van Halteren: „No company wants its employees to work in sub-optimal conditions. Operators who open and close heavy machine doors for eight hours a day are unnecessarily strained. By automating this task, there is less risk of physical complaints and more time for other tasks. This benefits their health and the company’s efficiency. In today’s market, metalworking companies must ensure 24/7 production, with a single operator controlling multiple machines. Every minute gained adds to the value of a CNC machine output.“

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Siemens AG

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